Dear Practice Members,

After a long hot summer, Fall and a new school year is upon us. Of course the beginning of the school year will be much different with many students of all ages (and teachers) attending entirely online, while others will have a hybrid of online and in-person classes. One of the many challenges this presents is the extended period of time spent sitting in front of a computer screen. In just the last 3 months of practice I have seen a significant increase in the number of specific upper back and neck problems including muscle spasms, pain, pinched nerves, numbness in the hands, headaches, dizziness and vision problems-just to name a few. These problems are largely associated with more people working from home (poor posture in front of the computer).

Now millions of school-aged children and teachers will be forced to sit in front of a computer for hours on end every day. This globalist experiment may be Bill Gates' dream come true, but as a parent (and a chiropractor) it is my nightmare.  There has been and will be much more research written about how detrimental “online learning” will be for our children socially, mentally, emotionally, and physically. However, my hope is that this experiment ends sooner than later with parents and leaders resisting this insane reality. In the meantime, it is my goal to help teach as many people as possible effective ways to combat the physical effects of computer related posture stress. The good news is that there are a lot of simple things you can do for your kids to reduce this stress. I have outlined them here. 6 Ways To Save Your Spine

This year's  Back To School Patient Appreciation Day will be Wed Sept 16th. and will benefit a great charity, Compassion in Action ( championed by one or our longtime friends and patients. If you know anyone that needs our help or just has more health related questions please share this Flyer and Information.  Thank you and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend.

Yours in health and strong posture,

Dr. Lou, Dr. Joe, Dr. Jackie and The Chiropractic Center Team