Posture Affects Your Health
6 Action Steps to Save Your Spine
1. Do not use a laptop if possible, use a desktop computer at home with a larger screen positioned at eye level or 1 inch higher. If you have to use a laptop/chromebook consider adding an accessory keyboard positioned lower and elevate laptop screen to eye level.
2. Never stay seated for more than 1 hour. Every time you take a break, stand up and move around, stretch your arms over your head, touch your toes. It helps to have a quick stretching routine and a foam roller close by. It only takes 3-4 minutes to get your blood moving and stretch shortened and tight muscles in the legs, shoulders, neck and back.
3. When looking at a computer screen always use blue light blocking glasses to prevent eye strain and vision problems. They are inexpensive and effective.
4. Perform neck traction exercise at least 1 time daily building up to a 10 minute session. This is where a specific chiropractic spinal and postural evaluation can help determine the best traction exercise for each individual’s need depending on specific postural imbalances, flexibility, muscle tension and weakness. However, the concept is simple - stretch the muscles and ligaments in the neck backwards using gravity. A great way to start is lying on a foam roller just under the shoulder blade or gym ball or simply hanging your head backwards off the end of your bed.
5. Start a posture specific exercise routine. 15 minutes a day, no gym membership required! All that is needed is a foam roller, a stretch band and/or a few light weights (5lbs and 10lbs). See the below for a few ideas.
6. Keep up with regular chiropractic adjustments- there is no substitute! Adjustments restore spinal alignment, improve joint mobility, and remove stress from the nervous system. The benefits go beyond pain relief and prevention and include improved balance, organ function, immune system response, reduced stress and better breathing. Benefits of regular chiropractic care.
These are just a few exercises that promote good posture, always try to keep the back straight and chin up. (Note the use of a foam roller in standing row)