New Research: Best Practices
Best Measures to prevent virus infections, specifically Covid-19
Supplementation of Vitamin D, C and Zinc to improve immune function.
Increased Sleep and proper hydration
Frequent hand washing (with soap and water for 20 sec.)
Avoiding sick people in confined indoor settings (nursing homes, hospitals, …)
Lifestyle changes that improve immune function including: daily exercise outdoors, eating more raw, nutrient dense foods, reducing sugar intake and regular chiropractic adjustments Coronavirus: The Facts, Factors and the Role of the Nervous System
Ineffective/Detrimental Actions
Lockdowns/staying home indoors (when healthy) decreases immune function over time and lowers your ability to fight infections. We rely on interactions with our environment to keep our immune system strong.
Masks and face coverings have repeatedly been shown INEFFECTIVE at preventing the spread of Covid-19. Specifically, there is not a single scientific study that shows any benefit to wearing a mask to prevent the spread of Coronavirus in the general population. The following report from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons explains why. Mask Facts - AAPS. and Healthy People Wearing Masks not Supported by Science Wearing masks for prolonged periods have also been shown to increase CO2 levels to unsafe levels by rebreathing exhaled air.
Known Risk Factors
Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, smoking
Compromised immune system function
Medications including those for heartburn (PPIs), blood pressure medications and statin drugs.
Flu Shot - If you received a flu shot this year you have a greater chance of having a serious reaction to Covid-19 exposure Does the Flu Shot Increase COVID-19 Risk (YES!) and Other Interesting Questions