Suffering from Knee Pain? Drug-Free Relief is Possible.

Now that the weather is warming up, you may be experiencing some knee pain from your “weekend warrior” races or other physical activities.  Knee pain can be debilitating. Walking, running, climbing stairs and bending over can become difficult for patients with painful knees. Fortunately, chiropractic care can help.

If your knee pain is limiting your daily activities, you should seek care. Seeking chiropractic care for your knee pain can help you regain mobility and perform normal daily tasks that might otherwise be difficult with painful knees.

Common Symptoms of Knee Pain

People suffering from knee pain have a variety of symptoms, which include: 

  • Swelling and stiffness

  • Weakness and instability

  • Popping noises during movement

  • Inability to fully straighten your knee

Causes of Knee Pain  

Knee pain can have many causes, including:

  • Arthritis

  • Old injuries

  • Obesity

  • Bursitis

  • Misalignment

  • Sprain/Strain Injuries

Knowing cause of your knee pain is one of the first steps to seeking a solution. If you don’t know the cause of your knee pain, talk to your chiropractor. Your chiropractor can access  your condition and help you get the most effective treatment.


There are many chiropractic techniques that help with knee pain, including:

  • Spinal adjustment. Spinal misalignment creates imbalances that can place extra pressure on all the body’s joints, including the knees. Spinal adjustment restores alignment and balance. This limits wear and tear on the body, reduces pain and inflammation and restores functionality to your knees.

  • Trigger point therapy. Trigger-point therapy is a technique that involves the application of pressure on specific points in the body to reduce pain and discomfort.

  • Posture correction. Like spinal misalignment, poor posture can put unnecessary pressure on many of the body’s joints and muscles. One of the ways your chiropractor can treat your knee problems is by assessing your body’s posture and making corrections wherever necessary.

  • Lifestyle advice. Many people experience knee pain because of detrimental behaviors and habits. Chiropractors help patients by showing which behavioral and lifestyle adjustments can help reduce pain and prevent injury.

  • Low-level laser therapy. Low-level laser therapy, also known as cold laser therapy, helps patients by stimulating the muscles and soft tissues of the body. Low-level laser reduces inflammation, stimulates blood flow and helps speed the healing process.

  • Nutrition and supplements. Proper nutrition and specific high quality nutritional supplements can help improve joint health and reduce inflammation naturally. Over time, nutrition counseling can also help patients lose weight, which can take pressure off the knees and other joints in the body.

The doctors at The Chiropractic Center have been helping patients who suffer from knee pain, including middle school, high School, college and professional athletes for over 19 years. We can help you too! 

Whether you’ve experienced a traumatic knee injury, have arthritis or suffer from another chronic condition that leads to pain and discomfort, we’re happy to help restore your mobility and reduce your discomfort without drugs and surgery.

Erik McNair