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Facts and Rational Thought Defeat Fear and Lies

The Only Thing We Have To Fear Is Fear Itself - FDR

Yes, the coronavirus (Covid-19) is real and many have died in the United States.  14,665 according to the CDC and WHO; 18,034 according to Bloomberg and CNN (That’s quite a discrepancy.) This is a sad statistic either way, especially for someone who has lost a loved one to this illness. However, it is important to keep this current pandemic problem in perspective. A rational perspective is not easy to maintain with just about every aspect of our normal lives shut down and a 24 hour a day “news” cycle telling us how horrible the situation is. We are told the morgues are filling up and people are dying in the street. We are shown nothing but footage of healthcare workers in HAZMAT suits working in hospital rooms filled with patients on life support. If someone in America was sent via time travel from 2 months ago to watch today’s news, surely they would think that the world was ending tomorrow. We are told to be afraid, to stay home,  wear a mask all the time, to keep social distancing indefinitely and the worst is yet to come.  These are the best recommendations of the so-called experts and they are wrong. They are selling fear which will rob you of your health, wealth and any rational thought you have left.

What is most disturbing to me during this growing pandemic is the fear-driven, irrational policies of the medical puppets and local political bobbleheads to address the situation. (Actually, the numbers of new cases are already on their way down and the death total will be equal to a normal flu season in the U.S) Think about it, which politician or medical spokesperson has said anything empowering? Which one has said to make sure you boost your immune system with extra vitamin C, D, zinc? Which one said take herbs like Echinacea, Cistus and licorice (proven to stop the replication of the virus), get an extra hour of sleep, exercise (outside!) and stay hydrated? Not one. The only protection they say can come from the outside for all of us helpless, powerless humans against the plague. Shut everything down, stay inside away from people, social distance, wear a mask and gloves everywhere, wipe everything down with disinfectant, wash your hands 7,000 times a day, and if you still get sick go to the hospital! Are you kidding me? This response is pure insanity if we look at the facts. Consider the following:

1.       Every year the flu kills tens of thousands of people in the U.S. The CDC estimates 61,000 Americans died during the 2017-18 flu season. This is about the same number that current estimates think may die in total from the Coronavirus in the U.S. We did not shut down the country for the flu last year. We did not social distance for 6 months, we did not wear masks, and we did not close all the schools and cause millions of people to lose their business and jobs. Why is this so different?

2.       146,571 people die in the U.S. from accidents every year. That’s almost 2.5 times more people than will die from the Coronavirus. That is totally preventable, yet we haven’t stopped driving cars. We don’t wear crash helmets and bubble wrap suits every time we go to the grocery store. (Although maybe some of us should!).

3.       The first 2 statistics are a drop in the bucket compared to the leading cause of death in the U.S. 647,000 people die of heart disease in the United States every year. Conservative estimates say over 50% of these deaths could be prevented with proper diet and exercise. Based on our government’s response to Covid-19, why then are people allowed to eat fast food? Why aren’t the Fatty Police sitting at the McDonalds drive-through waiting to arrest you and take you to Treadmill jail where you are forced to run and eat kale until you are at your proper BMI? Preposterous, right? Maybe not, look at the current trend of ultra billionaires taking center stage on mainstream media promoting their own agenda to influence government policy. They suggest that they know better and would strip you of your freedom to make your own health decisions.

4.       Ok, but what about the Coronavirus, isn’t it going to get worse? Many of the expert Ivy League-educated epidemiologists and our own Dr. Fauci modeled that hundreds of thousands were going to die and this is going to last for 18 months. Well, they got it massively wrong. The one thing I know for sure is that if I am reincarnated I want to come back as a weatherman, epidemiologist or mainstream news commentator. They are the only professions where you can be completely (ridiculously) wrong all the time, get paid to be on TV, and never have any liability for what you say. We may never know the the true total death toll of this virus, but just look at how wrong every model has been so far for the number of beds needed as a result of the Coronavirus, and they are still adding more!

So what are we to do? Move! Don’t sit, don’t listen to the lies. Get outside, walk, exercise, and appreciate your time in nature. Pray, meditate, practice yoga, make a new routine. It is time to look at things differently. We may not be able to change the world but we can change ourselves. It is now that I say congratulations to our patients who have chosen a healthy lifestyle. The choices you have made to eat healthy food, take vitamins and herbs, get regular chiropractic adjustments and exercise matter now more than ever. Don’t stop! Despite the many restrictions on our lives and possible financial challenges associated with the current situation, the worst emotion to carry is fear. Fear does not serve us. It lowers our immune function, causes cardiovascular damage, ulcers, headaches, premature aging and it spreads faster than a virus. Let’s make 2020 a great awakening where we empower ourselves by seeking the truth and making proactive and preventative health decisions.

Happy Easter and Passover. See you in the office soon.

Dr. Lou