Doctors With A Heart Program
THE CHIROPRACTIC CENTER at Styertowne, LLC Presents the 13th Annual: "Doctors With A Heart Program" on Friday, Feb. 13th to Saturday, Feb 14th
Free exam, x-rays (if necessary),
- consultation and first adjustment for all new patients with a $20 donation to Feed The Hungry. (up to a $365 value!)
Food • Drinks • Raffle Please call ahead to reserve your time with the doctor—limited free appointments available. (973) 777—6995 501 Allwood Road, Clifton 07012
Happy Valentines Day Give away!
Guess the number of M & M’s in the jar and Win 2 tickets to the movie of your choice! Write your name and # of M & M’s you think are in the jar— winner will be picked next Wednesday. Good Luck !
Please share this event with friends and family this Valentine’s Day, you may change their life!