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Best Practices - Virus Protection

Best Measures to prevent virus infections, specifically Covid-19

1. Supplementation of Vitamin D, C and Zinc to improve immune function.

2. Increased Sleep and proper hydration

3. Frequent hand washing (with soap and water for 20 sec.)

4. Avoiding sick people in confined indoor settings (nursing homes, hospitals, …)

5. Lifestyle changes that improve immune function including: daily exercise outdoors, eating more raw, nutrient dense foods, reducing sugar intake and regular chiropractic adjustments Coronavirus: The Facts, Factors and the Role of the Nervous System

Ineffective/Detrimental Actions

1. Lockdowns/staying home indoors (when healthy) decreases immune function over time and lowers your ability to fight infections.  We rely on interactions with our environment to keep our immune system strong.

2. Masks and face coverings have repeatedly been shown INEFFECTIVE at preventing the spread of Covid-19. Specifically, there is not a single scientific study that shows any benefit to wearing a mask to prevent the spread of Coronavirus in the general population. In fact, the results of a recent randomized controlled trial found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection. Here is a review of the article from the Annals of Internal Medicine Landmark Mask Study The following report from the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons explains why masks don’t work Mask Facts - AAPS.  Another recent article about the dangers of children wearing masks can be found here. Healthy People Wearing Masks not Supported by Science. Wearing masks for prolonged periods have also been shown to increase CO2 levels to unsafe levels by rebreathing exhaled air. 

Known Risk Factors

1. Diabetes, heart disease, obesity, smoking

2. Compromised immune system function

3. Medications including those for heartburn (PPIs), blood pressure medications and statin drugs.

4. Flu Shot - If you received a flu shot this year you have a greater chance of having a serious reaction to Covid-19 exposure Does the Flu Shot Increase COVID-19 Risk (YES!) and Other Interesting Questions

Unfortunately, as you can see,  research (and common sense)  DO NOT match several of the current local government “health” mandates. As always, we must think for ourselves, especially with regard to the health choices we can still make!


The survival rates for Covid-19 were recently updated by the CDC as follows:

Age 0 - 19 99.997 %

Age 20 - 49 99.98%

Age 50-69 99.5%

Ages 70+ 94.6%

To be clear, this does not minimize the seriousness of Covid-19 and the death toll associated with it, but these numbers are good news! One of the biggest problems with Covid-19 has been the continued irrational media driven political response to it. Consider the following: If all of the draconian measures instituted for Covid-19 including lockdowns, closing down businesses and schools, social distancing and mandatory mask wearing in public were being done for our own good, and to “save lives” why are other preventable leading causes of death in the U.S completely ignored? Heart Disease kills 750,000 Americans EVERY year! Research proves approximately half of these deaths could be prevented with proper diet and exercise. Yet over half of Americans are overweight or obese. Why is there not a mandate to weigh in at the grocery store to determine what foods you are allowed to buy? Why are there not mandatory gym check ins and workouts?  Cancer kills almost 600,000 people EVERY year. Yet proven cancer causing carcinogens are allowed to be sprayed on our crops, put into make-up, soaps, perfumes, skin care, processed foods and vaccines. By the way, you can still buy RoundUp by the gallon at home depot. 

I’ve been told by some that I can’t make these kinds of comparisons because heart disease isn’t contagious. Well, the flu and pneumonia are, and we don’t scare everyone to death, shut down the country and require everyone to muzzle themselves (mask up). Furthermore, whether a disease is contagious or not is irrelevant, what matters is if it is preventable and treatable.  “They” (Politicians, mainstream media, Big Tech, and Big Pharma) don’t care about you suddenly because there is a new virus named Covid-19. 

The fact is there is risk in almost everything we do. The freedom to determine our own health practices and make our own risk assessments should not have changed due to Covid-19.